Did you know that today, 3/14, is Pi Day? In case you don’t remember from your high school math class, pi is a mathematical constant that equals the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, which is about 3.14159. Does it make sense now why we celebrate 3.14 on 3/14?
And what better way to celebrate Pi Day than with pie? I’d much rather eat pie than talk math any day! My favorite pies to buy are Marie Callender’s. When my family gets together for the different holidays, my parents love to buy their delicious pies for our dessert. A favorite family tradition!
I’m such a sucker for both chocolate and coconut, so to celebrate Pi Day, I spoiled my family with Marie Callender’s Chocolate Satin Mini Pies and Coconut Cream Mini Pies… yum!! I love their big pies, but there was something about these cute mini pies that I couldn’t resist! I found them right in the frozen section of the grocery store, which was really convenient and easy for me.
And to add a little fun to our Pi Day pie eating, I made up these π symbol printables for you to put in each mini pie or slice of pie that you serve to your family and friends! I just used a punch to punch out the pi symbol (or you could just trace a circle and cut), and then taped the back to a toothpick, skewer, or sucker stick. Easy!!
Did you know that you can rate and review ANY Marie Callender’s productson their website? Let them know what you think about their products!
You can also check out Marie Callender’s blog for party ideas, how-to’s, and much more! I found the cutest idea for making edible paint with your kids on their blog. My kids can’t wait to give this one a try!
I’m all about saving money and using coupons, so here is $1.50 off coupon good towards a Marie Callender’s frozen pie. Now you have no excuse to celebrate Pi Day, right?
So how will you celebrate Pi Day today?
Happy pie eating!!
xo, Laura
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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