What if you could capture and save a tiny piece of each day, a small memory from each day in the year, a clip of the everyday and mundane, to the fun and exciting, to the small moments of you and your family interacting together? Wouldn’t something like that be priceless years down the road?
My brother Tyler just shared a video he made that I think is brilliant, that I just had to share with you! He started in the middle of 2013, but took a one second clip of video every day and put it all together to make a three minute montage of half a year of vacations, work, playing, hugs, toys, and more. Check it out!
2013 – One second a day from Tyler Little on Vimeo.
After seeing this, I resolved to start filming one second a day of my life and family, too. A very cool tradition and way to document your year that is easy and hardly requires any effort at all. My brother used his Go Pro, his Nikon D90, his Nikon D600, and his iPhone to shoot his, but I think I’ll start simple with my iPhone, since I always have it with me.
I just found an app called 1 Second Every Day that makes this easy that I’m going try.
So what do you think? Is this something you would like to start with your family? You could do this anytime and end up with great results, but since it’s the beginning of a new year, it’s the perfect time to start!
Do you have a great way that you document your family’s lives throughout the year? I’d love to hear about it!
If you liked this project, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin’, and Instagram.
xo, Laura
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